Look out world, we have a three-year-old. :)
He talks, he dances, he sings, AND he does not need diapers! YAY!
S's actual birthday was pretty laid back. The party was another matter entirely. 15 kids 3 and under. 7ish mommies, the DH and I were SUPPOSED to party hard at the park. Due to the rainy weather, we ended up at our house, instead. WooHoo!
I made this:
and this:
for toddler consumption, along with vanilla ice cream. The mommies munched on the leftover candy, so I didn't have to eat it all after the party. (Thank you, mommies!)
Here's the Little Man of the Hour, blowing out his candles.
Since we hardly ever have birthday parties (this was our first) we thought we'd go all out and rent a bouncer.
Obviously a stock photo, since we don't live downtown ANYWHERE.
Somehow, I thought he'd go for the dragon.
Ah well. They had fun anyway. Promise.
I didn't ask any other mommy's permission to use their kids pictures, so you'll have to take my word on the number of babies that were at my house for this shin-dig and content yourself with photos of my two little munch-kins.
This was a no-present party because: A) nobody has money B) it's just after Christmas C) We have to many toys that make noise and I really didn't want more of it. Yuk.
SO, on the invites we asked that instead of presents, people bring a donation for our favorite charities: Ronald McDonald House and St. Vincent De Paul. (I included a list of their needs.) Everyone followed some of these instructions, and some people followed all of them. Nobody showed up with a present. Almost nobody showed up with a donation. Oh well. Maybe I wasn't as clear as I thought I was.
We all had fun anyway, and there wasn't much leftover cake, so I was happy.
There were quite a few leftover loot bags. If you want one, call me.
2024 - Puzzled Pint
3 weeks ago
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