Jan 30, 2011

Raw Diet

How has the raw diet been going, IdahoBecky?


See, here's the thing. I really LIKE eating raw. Love it, in fact. I love how I feel, I love *MOST* of the food, it's just that, there's no chocolate. And everything takes FOREVER to make, except for the few things that don't.

So, I've been about 50% raw in January, and been on two trips. Every time I go out of town, I gain weight, but when I come back, I loose it again when eating raw, so that's good.

I think I'm ready to bump it up to 75% in February, but I'm really going to have to get a hold of the chocolate eating and figure out what I can do to satisfy those darn bread cravings. Because I made bread Saturday and ate a half a loaf all by myself in an hour. That can't be happening. I'm gonna pay for it next week. The 25% that's not raw is really going to have to be planned out and SCHEDULED.

I'll let you know how it goes...and maybe share some more recipes. 8-)

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